Half Ironman 70.3 Gear List

In my last post, I shared the 20-week training plan I used for Ironman 70.3 Augusta. Today we're going to talk about gear - what you need to get started, and what you need to buy versus borrow. Spoiler alert:  borrow it.

My first triathlon was Team Magic's Girls Tri It On in 2012, and the only thing I bought was my race registration. I didn't have a swimsuit or a tri kit, so I borrowed tri shorts and swam in a lululemon tank top. I didn't have a bike, so I rode my husband's old, college mountain bike. I knew I wanted to keep going in the sport, so at the end of the season, I bought a tri kit on clearance and got a used bike on Craigslist.

The amount of gear out there for this sport is obscene. You're going to want all of it, especially if your triathlon friends have it. When I registered for Ironman Augusta, I wanted things I didn't have and couldn't afford. But I made it work. Below is the list of things I begged, borrowed, or stole for my 70.3.

Already Had:
YMCA membership
Garmin watch
running shoes
clip-in pedals and shoes
prescription sunglasses
all manner of running, cycling and tri clothes
swimsuits and goggles
transition bag

race registration
triathlon coach
Training Peaks
NAC Masters membership
swim bag, pull buoy, paddles and fins
regular bike tune-ups
tri kit
multiple swimsuits, goggles, sports bras and running shoes
bike pump
6-9 months of workout fuel and hydration

bike classes
open water swim coaching

bike trainer
chest strap and heart-rate monitor
rice cooker and The Feed Zone cookbook

When you sign up for a race like this, you think about the big ticket items - race registration, bike tune-ups, paying for access to a pool, etc. But I'll tell you what surprised me, how much money I spent on the things I needed to do my work-outs. I'm talking about Nuun, Perpetuem, Huma gels, Stinger Waffles, and the gasoline to drive to your long rides, which are probably in Franklin or on Natchez Trace. I think my nutrition and hydration alone cost me $20/week, especially towards the end when my training days were 4-6 hours long.

Nashville, and East Nasty, is full of closeted triathletes. You'd be surprised how many of us there are. And we have all of this stuff. If this is your first 70.3, and for sure if it's your first triathlon, borrow as much as you can. If you have a blog or a Facebook page, tell people what you're looking to borrow. That's how I got my wetsuit (thanks, Emma!).

Questions? Leave a comment with what you'd like to borrow, and I'll connect you to someone I think may be able to help.

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An Interview with Graphic Designer Meg Willoughby