Weekend Wrap Up: Pinker Hair, Still Don't Care Edition

Y'all, I can't let this dream of having pink hair die. This is my third, & probably final, attempt. My first attempt was baby pink highlights, which immediately washed out. So I went back & had my hair dyed pink. Still washed out, albeit it lasted a little longer. So this time, we amped up the pink so that as it inevitably washes out, it will fade to that elusive baby pink.

So yeah, my hair is REAL pink. It's so pink, it's pank. On Friday night, I saw my girl Jordan to get re-re-pinked. I think she nailed it. Fingers crossed it doesn't wash out next week! Oh, also, I'm growing my bangs out. #themoreyouknow

Sufficiently panked, I met Melanie for dinner & then we went to the Grand Opening of

Studio Debutante

. I've been watching my friend Freya build

this thing

 all year & I was so proud to be there for the grand opening.

P.S. Go sign up for some super fun


like Hoop Dance & Booty Burn! Personally, I'm trying to decide between Bumps n' Grinds & Floorwerk.

This was the first Saturday of 2014 that I didn't have anything to do. Super friend Lana had a feeling I may be bored, so she asked me to meet her at the new Barista Parlor Golden Sound for post-yoga coffee. The coffee was delicious. The seating is a work in progress. But the new space is real cool.

My homegirl Carolyn just bought a house, so I drove over there to get a tour & then ended up spending all day with her shopping for appliances. It was actually fun. It was my first experience at Sears Scratch & Dent. That place is NUTS.

My Saturday night is pretty accurately summed up in this text with John from 7:19pm (I'm in blue).

I put this on Instagram Sunday with the hashtag, "Fine, I'll work-out again." After a week of celebrating & recovering, I met Lana & Melanie on Sunday morning for a 5-mile run. It was 37 degrees! Luckily, I just bought this new long-sleeved tech shirt at this place I went last weekend...

A run in 37 degree weather meant one thing:  chili. It's time. Plus, I haven't cooked since like February, so... Not that the crock pot counts as cooking, but still. Hey, I browned the shit out of that meat! Eight hours later, we dined on this fine chili & watched more

Twin Peaks

. Then I fell asleep to the sweet, sweet sounds of John reading

Mike Reno

's Wikipedia page to me.

Weekend Wrap Up: Ham In, HAM Out Edition

Race Recap: Half Ironman 70.3 Augusta