Memorial Day Weekend Wrap Up: Kick Off Your Sunday Shoes Edition

This was a light work-out weekend, which was nice. I didn't have to run on Saturday, so I went to my beloved Iyengar yoga class. Afterwards, Lana & I drove to Anderson Road Beach for an open water swim. My first triathlon is in two weeks & it's open water, so I need the practice. That water was COLD.

Women be shopping. I had birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, so I bought the duvet I've had my eye on for oh, 5 years now. In addition to the birthday money, I had some Target gift cards, so I went with the Threshold duvet instead of the West Elm one. I also treated myself to fancy new 

Rifle Paper Co. thank you cards

& my

favorite candle

from Anthropologie (thanks, Mom!).

John & I are in the midst of a heavy

Thai Kitchen

 phase. We've always eaten there, but here lately, we're there at least once a week. This is our classic order: crispy thai basil chicken with a fried egg. I could eat it every day, & I almost am.

Caroline met me on the Trace Sunday to help me with shifting & descending. Usually when I ride on the Trace, I ride out for 45 minutes, turn around & ride back for 45 minutes. But Sunday, we rode the same 4-mile loop 4 times. It was constant climbing & descending. Good practice, but sweet Yeezus, my quads.

So good news, bad news. The good news is, I'm not terrible at riding my bike. The bad news is, my body & my bike don't match, which anyone who's seen me on my bike, already knows. My seat is too low, my knees are at the wrong angle & my handlebars are too far away from my body, possibly explaining the perma-claw my left hand has been in for 2 weeks. Next step: professional bike fitting.

After my 90-minute ride & 2-mile run, I rewarded myself with a mini

Veronica Mars

marathon (I'm in the middle of Season Two). After a few hours, my muscles started to atrophy, so I got up & put my new duvet on the bed. There are few things in life as taxing as shoving a down comforter into a duvet. But alas, I am not a quitter. Also? The duvet had ties in the corners to hold the comforter in place.

I like it! Our bedroom is the least finished room in our house & it makes me crazy. This is a huge first step. Now I just need to frame all the art I've bought for that room & decide on curtains. Ooh, & maybe replace those bedside lamps.

When I rode with my coach on Sunday, she complimented me on having good balance. We talked about how I've been practicing yoga since 2001 & that's probably why, etc. She said to feel free to add more yoga into my training schedule & that there's all kinds of free yoga on YouTube & OnDemand if I can't find time for a legit class.

Yesterday I performed a very scientific search for a video by Googling "yoga for runners" & doing the first video that came up. Shockingly, I liked the video & felt totally normal doing it at home.


is the video I did. It had a lot of hip openers & IT band stretches. I may look for a longer video, but this one did the trick.

I was real proud of myself for the yoga, especially on a rest day & ESPECIALLY on a holiday, so I made cookies. Of course I did. I made my usual

chocolate chunk cookies

courtesy of

Crepes of Wrath

. They're my standard chocolate chip cookies. I love them.

Because I'm a terrible person, I didn't go to the two Memorial Day pool party/cook-outs that I was invited to. Instead, I took off my pants (too many cookies), crawled into bed & watched




, back to back. If you haven't re-watched


as an adult, I highly recommend it. I was 8 years old when


came out & it was one of the hallmark movies of my childhood. I had the soundtrack, which I'm probably going to buy on iTunes later today & listen to incessantly while daydreaming about 1984 Kevin Bacon.

I leave you with this, my favorite dance sequence from the movie. Stick with it, the real magic happens around 2:02. See you in my dreams, Ren McCormack.

Birchbox Review: April

Weekend Wrap Up: Wetsuit Edition