Weekend Wrap Up: Bonnaroo Edition

I recently bought a Groupon for Hot Yoga Plus, but I had one class left in my package at Epic Yoga, so I went to Epic's 8am class on Saturday.  When I got out of class, I had a voice mail from my friend Heidi, who works at lululemon, telling me to stop in & see her because their Align Ultra Mats (that I love) are on sale for $19.  Done!  While I was in there, I remembered I had a store gift card (thanks, Claudia!), so I bought a new tank top, too.

I hadn't had breakfast or coffee yet, so I treated myself (treat yo self!) to my fav Morning Glory muffin & latte at Whole Foods.  I never shop at Whole Foods.  I'm a Trader Joe's & Publix kind of gal, but while I was sitting in there, I remembered that we're out of coffee, so I strolled over to check out their selection.  They had this awesome British guy working the coffee station, Kim.  He told me he grew up in England, but with Italian parents, so he grew up drinking tea & lattes.  He asked me all these questions about when I drink coffee, why I drink coffee, how I take it, etc. & then he helped me decide what to buy.  He really pushed me to buy the Roast Inc. Brazil blend, but it was $14.99 for a little bag & that's way more than I usually spend, so I bought the Whole Foods Brazil coffee for less than half the price.  I haven't had it yet, but I hope it's good.  Oh!  He also gave me a free bottle of Roast's iced coffee.  Such great customer service!  Well done, Whole Foods!

While John was working on Saturday night, I sat outside with a glass of red wine & caught up on some magazine reading.  It was so nice out!  I made spaghetti carbonara for dinner & decided to finally start watching Girls.  OMG!  Why haven't I been watching this show?  I love it!  I made it through the first 4 or 5 episodes.  I think there are 8 so far.  Love it!

My friend Jaime treated me to a guest pass at Bonnaroo yesterday.  Being the 36 year old, working women that we are, we decided one day was enough.  Bonnaroo Music Festival is a 4-day music festival that happens on a 700 acre farm in Manchester, Tennessee.  This year was it's 11th year, but it was my first time.  I don't really do outdoor music festivals, unless, as I've learned, I have a VIP pass, including VIP parking.  Above is Jaime & I at the beginning of our 7 hour day.

There's apparently a carnival?  I don't know.  It was too far to walk.  Good picture though.  Oh, & note the sky.  It was grey, fairly cool & rained off & on all day.  Thus, my lack of sunscreen & subsequent "bonnaburn"...

The Beach Boys performed on the main stage.  It was awesome!  That's Brian Wilson on the big screen.  It was a kind of a rough start, but they pulled it together.  It was super cool to hear all these songs that I've loved all my life performed live.

We found John at The Beach Boys show.  Note the sunburn that I was still unaware of.  So bad....  After The Beach Boys, we watched Ben Folds Five & the Shins.  All three shows were really good, but the Shins win the prize.  Hopefully I can see them again at The Ryman in October.  We missed Bon Iver & The Civil Wars because my body turned against me.  I think I either had sun poisoning or the beginnings of a fever, or maybe those are the same thing.  Regardless, I was shivering & burning up at the same time, so we left an hour into the Shins show.  I love you, Shins!

Full Bonnaroo photostream on Flickr.

P.S. If you follow me on Instagram then you are aware of the ridiculous BonnaBurn that I sustained yesterday.  It hurts so bad!  Sunscreen FAIL.

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