Weekend Wrap Up: I Miss Spring Edition

Chocolate banana bread.

Brunch at Mad Donna's.

Vintage cake tin procurement:  success!  At Old Made Good.

Blazer, day one.

Somewhere in 12th South.

New shoes!  #womenbeshopping

Bobby's Dairy Dip.  First trip of the season.

More pics & info on Flickr & Instagram.


I've been neglecting yoga for the past few months.  It was hard to work it in while I was training for the half, but it's time to get back into it.  I thought I'd try Sanctuary's new space in Green Hills.  I looked online & saw that Brent Coleman had a Friday night class.  Sold!  Brent taught a free class at lululemon last fall & I really liked it.  I invited my friend Jenn to go with me, so we met, we yogi-ed & then we ate dinner at Pei Wei.

I like Sanctuary's new space.  It was easy to get in to, easy to park, no traffic, assuredly because it was Friday night, but still.  It's good.  And I loved Brent's class.  I like his teaching style.  He walks around & adjusts your poses & pushes you, which I need.  Also, and this is completely irrelevant, but he plays good music.  This may be my new Friday night routine.


I went to brunch with Jessica on Saturday.  We tried Mad Donna's for the first time & loved it.  We both had pomegranate mimosas - so good!  While on the East Side, I stopped into Old Made Good looking for this vintage cake tin that they had on Instagram a week or so ago.  Success!  My mom has one of my great-grandmothers cake tins & this is just like it.

Spurred by my shopping success at Old Made Good, I headed to The Gulch to look for shoes, which I found at Urban Outfitters, on sale for $39 no less!  Then I went to the mall to grab a couple of things I forgot to get while I was there last weekend.

John had to work on Saturday night, so we grabbed dinner at Royal Thai.  After dinner, John went back to work & I watched two more episodes of Homeland.


Yesterday, Jaime, Cara & I ran together again for the first time since Tom King.  For those of you who don't live in Tennessee, it's basically summer here right now, temps in the high 80's.  We ran a hot, slow 4 miles, which almost killed us.  It's very humbling to have run 13+ miles fairly effortlessly a few weeks ago & to now be barely able to finish 3-4.  This weather is KILLING ME.

Jalapeno Popper Pizza

Baby Shower Wrap Up